4 Must-have Mobile Apps for Lawyers

Mobile Apps

If you are a lawyer, then one thing that you might want to do is investigate how the technological age can actually help you at work. Many courtrooms still require an ornate amount of physical paper filing and documentation, but that does not mean that there are no ways to expedite your work when you are at the office. Are you interested to learn more about technology? Visit this website https://blitzsource.com/ for further details about mobile, software, internet, and other technologies.

Mobile apps are a great way to look up information, compare precedents, and explore legal loopholes while you are on the run. In fact, if you need to look up something spur of the moment while you are in the courtroom or in a meeting with a client, it can be the best discovery you ever make. The following are four must-have mobile apps that all lawyers should have.


This might seem like a simple app, but the truth is that any lawyer has a life that is full of deadlines. Briefs, documents, files, etc all have deadlines attached to them and when you toss in court dates, meetings, settlement offers, etc there are quickly dozens of numbers to remember for every single case that you take on. This is why this simple, free app is a great option. Simply use Reminders to create reminders that are based on both time and date so that you get notices prior to any important meetings.


Next on the list is WestlawNext which is now available on the iPad and on Android platforms and is a great research tool for any lawyer. The app is very easy to use and is designed to make it simple to access the information you are looking for in a crunch. It is so easy to use for legal research purposes that many attorneys end up using it while they are in the office as well so they can glance at their brief on the computer while they use their mobile device to do their research! Whether you are on the go or multi-tasking this app is a must-have. Another great source of information regarding the latest technologies is https://yamamamedia.com/. Do not forget to check that out!


Of course, most lawyers are not in the office on a regular basis because they are running from client meetings to the courthouse to the actual courtroom. Therefore, frequently important documents or files might get left behind or in some cases might not seem important until you are already gone from your office. In this situation, LogMeIn can be a lifesaver since it allows you to access any file, document, or media component that is on your desktop from a mobile device. Essentially it allows remote access to your computer from any authorized mobile device and that is pretty sweet.


Finally, as a lawyer, one thing you will likely have to do is depose a client or a witness, and this unique app allows attorneys to take care of the entire deposition process with their Android devices. The app lets users upload or enter questions and then users can put further exhibits or other facts into the questions. This way you only need to actually have a copy of the questions on hand for the witness making it simple to depose on the go. Click here https://patbigoldmedia.org/ to read in-depth articles regarding mobile applications, software, and other technologies.